Did You Know God Has an Economy?

March 18 2019

Did You Know God Has an Economy?

Have you ever heard that God has an economy? The word “economy” usually brings to mind things like money, resources, financial budgeting, and so on. However, the Bible’s use of the word “economy” doesn’t refer to such physical things, but to something far more profound.

In the foreword of his book, The Economy of God, Witness Lee explains the meaning of this word according to the Bible:

“The word ‘economy’ used in the title of this volume may sound somewhat strange to the reader. ‘The economy of God’ is a quotation from 1 Timothy 1:4, according to the Greek. ‘Economy’ is the Greek word ‘oikonomia’ which primarily signifies the household management, the household administration, arrangement and distribution, or dispensation (of wealth, property, affairs, etc.). It is used with the intention of stressing the focal point of God’s divine enterprise, which is to distribute, or dispense, Himself into man.”

God has a divine enterprise, but it has nothing to do with material things and everything to do with Him being imparted, or dispensed, into man.

On page 8, Lee defines the economy of God:

“What is God’s economy? The Scriptures, composed of sixty-six books, contain many different teachings, but if we would make a thorough and careful study of the Scriptures with spiritual insight, we would realize that God’s economy is simply His plan to dispense Himself into humanity. God’s economy is God’s dispensation, which means nothing else than God dispensing Himself into the human race.”

When we see that God’s economy throughout the entire Bible is to dispense Himself into us, our lives will be changed. Lee goes on:

“In this divine dispensation God, who is almighty and all-inclusive, intends to dispense nothing other than Himself to us. This needs to be repeated many times in order to impress us deeply!”

We need to be deeply impressed with God’s desire to dispense Himself into us. In our Christian life, we can be distracted by many things, even things that are good or scriptural, and miss the mark of God’s economy. On page 20, Lee says:

“What is this mark? It is simply the all-inclusive Holy Spirit dwelling in our human spirit. During the whole day, learn how to contact and follow the Holy Spirit. Learn how to fellowship and deal with Him. Christianity teaches us to deal with forms, regulations and doctrines. Even the Scriptures are read in a wrong way, since little or no contact is made with the Holy Spirit in the reading. We merely learn doctrines in black and white letters. We need to read the Scriptures by exercising our spirit to contact the Holy Spirit, not by using our eyes to see the words and exercising our minds merely to understand its teachings. From morning to evening, we must deal with the One dwelling in us, for He is the bountiful supply of the Lord Jesus.”

In God’s economy, Christ is the center. When we’re saved, Christ is dispensed into our spirit. He wants to continue to dispense Himself with all His riches into our whole being until we’re filled with Him and He truly becomes our center.

On page 23, we have this exhortation concerning Christ from Lee:

“We must learn to grasp one thing and to be grasped by one thing—Christ Himself. We must learn how to grasp Christ in the Holy Spirit and be grasped by the Holy Spirit. Although we can certainly receive help from doctrine, the main center of God’s economy is not doctrine, but the living One in the Holy Spirit.”

Day by day, we need to grasp just one thing: Christ!

In this post, we’ve only touched a little on the subject of God’s economy, which is a great matter in the Bible. To read more about this wonderful topic, we encourage you to read the full text of The Economy of God. You can download this book for free on the books page of our website.

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How to Receive Life from God’s Word

March 04 2019

How to Receive Life from God’s Word

In a previous post, we discussed how important it is to know that the essence of the Bible is the Spirit. Since John 6:63 tells us only the Spirit can give life, in order for us to get life from the Bible, we need to contact the Spirit in God’s Word. By receiving life, we’ll be spiritually nourished, and by that nourishment, we’ll grow in Christ. So being able to receive life from the Bible is crucial to our Christian life.

How do we receive life from the Bible?

Second Timothy 3:16 tells us:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

As we previously saw, this is a key verse that unveils the essence of the Bible to us. Let’s look again at note 2 on God-breathed in the New Testament Recovery Version, paying special attention to the second half:

“This indicates that the Scripture, the word of God, is the breathing out of God. God’s speaking is God’s breathing out. Hence, His word is Spirit (John 6:63), or breath. Thus, the Scripture is the embodiment of God as the Spirit. The Spirit is therefore the very essence, the substance, of the Scripture, just as phosphorus is the essential substance in matches. We must strike the Spirit of the Scripture with our spirit to catch the divine fire.”

So to receive life from reading the Bible, we must use our spirit to contact the Spirit in the Word. Like the note says, we need to “strike the Spirit of the Scripture with our spirit to catch the divine fire.” But what does this mean?

A helpful illustration

Let’s take a closer look at the analogy in the note and talk about how a match is ignited.

The head of a match is made with phosphorus. Heat generated by friction ignites this highly reactive chemical when a match is struck against a rough surface. If we strike a match against a sweater, grass, or a plastic bottle, nothing happens, because none of these are the right kind of surface. But when we strike a match against a gritty stone, it immediately ignites into flame.

So to start a fire, we need two things: the match itself, and the right kind of surface to strike it on.

Using our spirit to contact the Spirit in the Word

The illustration of a match striking the right surface helps us see how to catch the divine fire hidden in God’s Word. To do this, we also need two things: the Bible (the match), which is outside of us, and our human spirit (the right surface), which is inside us.

If we come to the Word of God and only exercise our mind to understand it, there will be no ignition, no fire. We’ll miss the Spirit in the Word. The Scriptures have to be struck against the right surface for ignition to occur. The right surface is not our analytical mind or our changeable emotions; it’s our human spirit.

But how exactly do we use our spirit to contact the Spirit in the Word?

Exercising our spirit by praying

Physically speaking, the best way to exercise our feet is to walk. Spiritually speaking, the best way to exercise our spirit is to pray. As we read the Bible with prayer, we use our spirit. When we use our spirit by praying, we “strike,” or contact, the Spirit in the written Word of God.

Even before we begin to read the Bible, we can pray a simple prayer like this: “Lord Jesus, I want to touch Your Spirit in Your Word. Lord, I don’t want to just read the black and white letters in the Bible; I want to receive You as life from Your Word.” Praying this way makes a big difference as we learn to exercise our spirit when we come to the Bible.

Then, as we read His Word, we can continue to pray by using the words in the Bible as our prayer. We can use these words to praise, thank, and worship the Lord.  

How to pray the Word of God

As an example of how to pray with the Word of God, let’s use John 10:11:

“I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

We can use the words of this verse to pray something like this: “Lord Jesus, I praise You that You are the good Shepherd. I’m so glad You are my Shepherd. Thank You, Lord, for making me one of Your sheep. Lord, thank You for laying down Your life for me!”

In other words, we can pray to the Lord using His words, the words in the Bible, as our prayer. As we pray with the Bible, we use our human spirit and contact the Spirit in God’s Word. This causes the Word to convey the Spirit who gives life to us. We experience what the Lord spoke of in John 6:63: “The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” This life feeds our spirit, satisfies our inner hunger for God, and waters our thirsty soul. And just as a child grows physically by being nourished, we experience spiritual growth in our Christian life by being nourished by the Spirit in God’s Word.

Receiving life from God’s Word

Knowing that the Spirit is the essence of the Bible will revolutionize how we handle the Word of God. We’ll no longer view God’s Word simply as a book of teachings or an outward guide on how to live. We won’t come to God’s Word using only our mind. Instead, we’ll exercise our spirit in prayer to contact the Spirit in the Word. We’ll come to the Bible to receive life from the Word of God.

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What Is the Bible in Its Essence?

February 18 2019

What Is the Bible in Its Essence?

Do you know what the Bible is in its essence? The dictionary defines essence as the indispensable quality of something, the most important ingredient or crucial element of that thing. This is important because what something is determines how it’s handled. Thus, knowing the essence of the Bible determines how we handle the Bible.

We need to look below the surface

Consider an orange. When we look at an orange, we see its round shape, its orange color, and its smooth texture. All these observations are correct, but if we don’t know the essence of the orange, we might use it for something besides its intended purpose. We might play with it because it looks like a ball, or we might use it as decoration. But we won’t enjoy the essence of the orange!

However, once we know what the essence of an orange is—its nourishing fruit and juice—we treat it very differently. We no longer want to play with it or put it on a shelf. We want to eat it or juice it to enjoy its essence. That’s how we get the full benefit of the orange

We should consider the Bible in the same way. When we look at its “surface,” what do we see? We may see a compilation of interesting stories, a book of good morals and high ethics, a manual for religious practices, or a reference for doctrinal teaching. But when we handle the Bible as a storybook or a manual, we don’t get the full benefit from it.

Why not?

All these things are found in the Bible, but they aren’t what the Bible is. To get the benefit God intended from His Word, we need to see the essence, the crucial element, of the Bible.

What is the essence of the Bible?

The answer is found in 2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is God-breathed.”

This verse doesn’t say that all Scripture is God-mandated, or even God-given. It says that all Scripture is God-breathed. The first part of note 2 on God-breathed in the New Testament Recovery Version elaborates:

“This indicates that the Scripture, the word of God, is the breathing out of God. God’s speaking is God’s breathing out. Hence, His word is Spirit (John 6:63), or breath. Thus, the Scripture is the embodiment of God as the Spirit. The Spirit is therefore the very essence, the substance, of the Scripture.

Breath and Spirit are the same word in the original languages of the Bible. By saying that all Scripture is God-breathed, the apostle Paul indicated that the essence of the Bible is the Spirit.

John 6:63 says,

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”

It’s not the black and white letters of the Bible that give life, but the Spirit, who is the essence of those words. Once we know this, we’ll come to the Bible not simply to learn something new, but to touch the Spirit, the life-giving essence, in the Word.

The Bible gives us life

Just like with the orange, we can become distracted by the “surface” of the Bible. When this happens, we’re likely to mishandle the Bible and miss the life contained in the Word of God.

However, John 10:10 tell us God desires that we “have [His] life and may have it abundantly.” So the most important thing for us to get from the Bible—more important than any doctrines, teachings, or stories—is God’s life. God’s breath, His Spirit, gives life. Good teachings can’t give us life. Ethics can’t give us life. Only the Spirit can give us life, and this Spirit is the essence of the Bible.

If we see that the Spirit is the essence of the Bible, we’ll change our approach. We’ll come to the Spirit in God’s Word, and the Spirit will give us life. This life will refresh us, enliven us, feed us, and cause us to grow in Christ.

Read about how we can come to the Spirit in God’s Word in our posts, How to Get Life from Reading the Bible and Praying God’s Word: An Unexpected Experience.

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