Thank You to Our Veterans

November 11 2019

Thank You to Our Veterans

Every year, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, America pauses to honor our nation’s veterans. The date for Veterans Day is deliberate; it marks the armistice signed in 1918 for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. It is a day to honor the veterans of all wars, but especially to honor those still living.

Sadly, the “war to end all wars,” as World War I was known, didn’t accomplish that goal, and our nation has continued to require the military service of men and women in every generation since then.

Today, we live in a world tormented by tension and conflict, an age rife with political instability and war. And yet here in this country we are free. For that we owe our gratitude to those who stepped forward, raised their hands, took an oath, and put their lives on the line in every generation in the life of our nation. The present generation of service men and women has endured more than a decade of war from the deserts of the Middle East to the mountains of Afghanistan. They have answered our nation’s call again and again, at home and abroad, tour after tour.

We at Bibles for America particularly hold dear the freedom we have to worship God, read the Bible, and spread His Word across this nation. We don’t take this freedom for granted.

And so we’d like to take this time to thank our veterans and their families. We pray for those who are struggling with the wounds of war and facing another kind of battle at home, this time to find work, adequate health care, and meaning in civilian life. We appreciate you. We have not forgotten you.

We hope our free study Bible and free Christian e-books would be a source of spiritual comfort, healing, and nourishment for you. If you are a veteran, we encourage you to share this post with other veterans you know.

May God bless our veterans and their families with His salvation and the full knowledge of the truth. From all of us at Bibles for America, thank you for your service.

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Do You Know How to Experience the Unlimited Christ?

October 28 2019

Do You Know How to Experience the Unlimited Christ?

Have you had a chance to order The All-inclusive Christ from us? For a short time we’re offering a free printed copy to US residents, which you can order here. The e-book is always available for free here. In this enlightening book, Witness Lee discusses how the good land described in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy is a complete picture of Christ that we can enjoy today.

In the post How to See, Experience, and Enjoy Christ as Our Good Land Today, we gave a brief introduction of The All-inclusive Christ. In this post, we’ll use excerpts from the book that highlight the spaciousness of the good land and how this applies to our Christian life.

God gave His people a spacious land

In Exodus 3:8, God described the land of Canaan:

“And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”

Since Christ is the reality of the good land, the land being spacious points to the fact that He is spacious. But what does this mean? 

We’ve probably never thought of Christas being spacious, but this excerpt from pages 22 and 23 shows us that the Christ who lives in us is immeasurably spacious:

“You understand what spaciousness is. But can you describe the spaciousness of this land? Can you tell us the extent, the expanse, of Christ? In other words, do you know how big Christ is? Everyone of us has a certain measurement, but what is the measurement of Christ? The Apostle Paul gives it to us in Ephesians chapter 3. The measurements of Christ are the breadth, the length, the height, and the depth. Can you tell how broad is the breadth, how long is the length, how high is the height, and how deep is the depth? If you asked me, I would have to say, ‘I don’t know. It is unlimited.’ The breadth of Christ is the breadth of the universe. Christ is the breadth, Christ is the length, Christ is the height, and Christ is the depth of the whole universe. If the universe has a limit, that limit must be Christ. You can never measure the dimensions of Christ.”This is the first item of the goodness of the land. The land is good in the unlimited measurement of Christ.”

We all have to admit that we ourselves are very limited. For example, we may be able to be patient to a certain extent, but not for a lengthy period, with no end in sight. In difficult circumstances, and perhaps particularly with certain people, our patience eventually runs out. Worse still, we might even react by losing our temper, unable to bear the strain of trying to be patient. 

Lee says on page 25,

“There is a limit to human goodness, but the goodness of Christ is without limit. If your patience has a limit, that patience is not Christ. If you are patient with Christ’s patience, the more wrongly you are treated, the more patient you will be. This patience can never be exhausted. Christ is good in His unlimitedness; Christ is good in His spaciousness. With everything of Him, there is no limit and no change.”

The key isn’t to strive to use our own meager store of patience, but instead to experience Christ’s inexhaustible patience. It’s impossible to fathom how patient Christ is. His patience is as infinite as He is; it has no end! Yet we can actually experience the immeasurable Christ in all the situations in our life. He supplies us bountifully with whatever we need to an unlimited degree.

The immeasurable Christ is for us to experience 

Lee’s emphasis in The All-inclusive Christ isn’t that we just know the features of the good land and how they’re pictures of Christ; it’s that we actually experience Christ as the reality of those features. On page 26, Lee testifies of his own experience of the inexhaustible Christ, even through years of increasing difficulties:

“I have realized that Christ is without any kind of limitation. There can never be a problem which is bigger than Christ. There can never be a situation which he cannot cover. I have a handkerchief which is only so big—perhaps twelve inches by twelve inches. It can only cover so much. It can never cover the whole room; it is not big enough. But you must realize that Christ is like a piece of cloth without limit. You cannot tell how broad and how long He is. There is no limit. He can cover anything and everything. No matter how great a problem may be, Christ can cover itChrist is good in His unlimitedness. Christ is good in His breadth and length and height and depth. Christ is such a spacious land for us to experience and enjoy in every situation.”

The spaciousness of Christ

Each day brings us new opportunities to experience the spaciousness of Christ with our children, our boss, our spouse, or our coworkers, in matters both big and small. When we feel like we’re running out of patience, love, or whatever it may be, one way to experience Christ is to stop what we’re doing and pray. We can pray,

“Lord Jesus, I turn to You right now. I can’t take this situation anymore. Lord, I need You. Be my unlimited patience.”

When we pray, even for just a few moments, we contact Him in our spirit and breathe Him in. We breathe in the One who is inexhaustible. 

At any time, in any place, we can also simply call on His name. Romans 10:12 tells us the Lord is “rich to all who call upon Him.” As we call, “Oh, Lord Jesus,” we can enjoy the never-failing riches of all the Lord is to us, no matter what our circumstances are. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed this post on the spaciousness of Christ. We invite you to learn more by reading all of chapter 2 of The All-inclusive Christ. If you live in the US, you can order a copy for free here.

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How Does God’s Light Help Us Grow?

October 14 2019

How Does God’s Light Help Us Grow?

Once we believe in the Lord Jesus and receive Him as our Savior and our life, we need to grow in this divine life day by day. But we can’t grow just by deciding to, or by exerting our own effort. Just as a child needs to eat healthy food every day, we children of God need to receive spiritual nourishment daily so we can grow in our Christian life. In addition, another crucial element for our Christian growth is God’s light. Just as living things need light from the sun to thrive and grow, we believers need the light of God. 

Today we’ll use a few excerpts from the book The Knowledge of Life by Witness Lee to discuss our need for God’s light. You can download this tremendously helpful book for free here

Light and life

Let’s start by looking at the relationship between light and life. Lee points out this vital link on pages 204 and 205:

“Where light is, there is life.This is a great principle in the Bible. Psalm 36:9 says, ‘With thee is the fountain of life; in thy light shall we see light.’ This also clearly speaks of the relationship between life and light. Life always follows light, and only light can bring forth life.”

Our first experience of God’s light was when we were saved. We heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and light penetrated our darkness, convicting us inwardly. We saw our sinfulness, and we saw the Savior. The shining of light caused us to repent and turn to God. We believed in the resurrected Jesus and all He did for us, and we received Him as our Savior. We were born in our spirit with the life of God. Thank God, His light brought life into us!

After our initial salvation, we need to grow in God’s life. Now, let’s look at how we can experience God’s light and how it helps us grow. 

We can experience light in God’s word

Psalm 119:105 tells us, 

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Notice that this verse doesn’t say God’s word is knowledge to us, but light. The way we read the Word determines whether we’ll actually receive light from it, or simply gain knowledge.

Lee explains this in The Knowledge of Life by using John 6:63, which says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” Lee says on page 207:

“Since both life and spirit are within us, it is clear that the words which the Lord speaks of here must also refer to the words which are spoken within us, not the letters of the Bible without. All the words outside of us are mere knowledge, not light. Only the words which enter into our spirit are the living, shining words of God. If when we read the Bible we constantly exercise our spirit in fellowship to read and open our spirit to receive, the words of the Bible are spirit and life to us. They can enter into our spirit and become living words, bringing the light of life.”

A good way to exercise our spirit and obtain light from the Bible is by combining prayer with our reading of God’s Word. When we exercise our spirit in this way to take in the words of the Bible, God as the light of life is able to shine on us. 

We can experience light by our inner sense

We believers can also experience God’s light because we have God’s life is in us. Lee speaks of this on page 208:

“John 1:4 tells us that the life of God is in the Lord Jesus, and this life is the light of men. When we receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, this life enters into us and becomes our ‘light of life’ (John 8:12). Therefore, strictly speaking, this light is not an objective light which enlightens us from without, but a subjective light which enlightens us from within.” 

Because Jesus Christ now lives in us, He’s the light of life in us, and He lets us know how He feels about everything in our life. He does this by giving us an inner sense, a consciousness or feeling, of what He approves or disapproves of, what makes Him happy and what makes Him unhappy. That inner sense is the light of life shining in us. 

What should we do when God shines?

If God shines and speaks to us in the Word and we disobey that light, it disappears. But we should remember that if we want to grow in life, we need God’s light. So when we experience God’s shining in us, we should respect and obey that light.

For example, let’s say in your Bible reading you come to Ephesians 5:15 and 16: 

“Look therefore carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

As you exercise your spirit by praying over these words, opening yourself to receive them, the Lord speaks to you. He shines on the amount of time you spend online, not for work or study but for amusement. In His light, you become aware of the negative effect all that screen time has had on you. You see it has eaten up the time you should have spent doing other things. The light convicts you about the time you’ve wasted. 

You could ignore this shining. But let’s say that instead, you respond to the Lord by praying,

“Lord, You’re right. Help me redeem my time. I don’t want to waste it on so many other things. Help me to limit my time online so I can do the things I’m supposed to do. Lord, I need You. Strengthen me and supply me to obey You in this.”

As you respond positively and go along with the Lord’s shining on this matter, you receive more life.

We also need to obey the light of our inner sense from the Lord. If we don’t, this sense will become dull, and we’ll be in darkness. But if we obey the inner sense, we’ll be full of life, happy, and peaceful, and God’s life will have a way to grow in us.

To illustrate, let’s say a friend sends you a text message that rubs you the wrong way. Your first reaction is to immediately respond out of irritation. As you type an angry reply, you begin to feel uneasy, and you don’t have any peace. Instead, you have a feeling that’s saying, “Stop.” That feeling is the light of life, shining in your inner sense. It’s easy to ignore, especially when you’re upset.

But suppose you yield to His shining and say, “Okay, Lord, I’ll stop and wait. What do You want to write? How are You responding?” You delete what you wrote and spend time to open to the Lord. As you obey the light of your inner sense in this matter, more life is imparted into you. You then write a reply to your friend, not in yourself but in Christ, taking Him as your life in this situation. 

Just imagine how much our text messages would change if we obeyed this sense of life! More importantly, imagine how much the life of God will grow in us if we obey the light whenever He shines on us.

To read more about knowing and experiencing the divine life, we encourage you to download The Knowledge of Life here and read not only chapter 14 on “Life and Light”, but every chapter of this enlightening book.

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