God Does Not Want Us to be Angels 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bible Verses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

Heb 2:14 Since therefore the children have shared in blood and
flesh, He also Himself in like manner partook of the same...
4:15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot be touched with the
feeling of our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all
respects like us, yet without sin. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Some Christians think that they should behave as if they were
angels. They try to live like heavenly beings. In the eyes of God,
this kind of living is abnormal. He does not want His children to
imitate angels; on the contrary, He wants them to be very human. All
the members of the church should have a genuine humanity. For this
reason, Ephesians, a book dealing with the church, covers various
human relationships: the relationship between wife and husband,
between children and parents, between servants and masters. In order
to have a proper church life, we must have a proper human life.

The very Christ we have received and gained is not an angel or some
kind of heavenly being, but a God-man. It was as a man in the flesh
that He gave Himself up for us. Furthermore, it is as a man that He
is able to fit into our situation and meet our need. He has put on
human nature in order to be like us. Now He lives in us as our life
and as our person to be manifested from within us. When a sister
takes Christ as her person in submitting to her husband, her
submission will be glorious, full of the reality of Christ lived out
from within her. Likewise, when a brother takes Christ as his person
in loving his wife, Christ will be expressed in his love for her.
Such a manifestation of Christ is possible because as the God-man He
gave Himself up for us. 


Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible
and Words of Ministry from Witness Lee, Life-study of
Ephesians, pp. 464-465. Both are published by Living Stream
Ministry, Anaheim, CA. (Repeat 12/8/97)

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