April 27, 2011

Dear elders and responsible brothers of the churches in the USA and Canada,

We are happy to announce that the 2011 Summer College Training will be held in three locations of the country. The subject this year will be “A Man of God,” focusing on the epistles to Timothy.

The saints should attend the college training in their region according to where they live and/or go to school:

East Coast 


South, Southeast plus Virginia, New 

Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania

July 18-24, 2011 Athens, GA


Midwest states including Dakotas and 

over to West Virginia plus New York, New England, and Eastern Canada

July 18-24, 2011 Fairborn, OH
West Coast 


West coast and mountain states, Western 


July 11-17, 2011 Occidental, CA

All three sessions of the training are open to all college students and newly graduated high school seniors. Participants are required to attend this training full-time.

The goal of this seven-day training is to supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so that they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ. Moreover, this training affords them the opportunity to blend with their peers who love God, pursue Christ, and seek His kingdom.

The training imparts a healthy view to high school graduates as they transition into college, compelling them to live their college years to the Lord for His purpose. Over the past fifteen years, hundreds of college saints who participated in the training received extensive and lasting spiritual benefits. Our experience has been that the most benefit was reaped by the high school seniors. We ask you to strongly encourage them to attend. Many have eventually attended the FTTA and become young pillars in the church life.

The registration process will be online including online payment. All information and registration will be done through www.collegetraining.org. For questions about the training, please contact:

To register, all applicants need to fill out the registration form online and print out the page requiring signatures. Your signature on their application indicates that you approve of the applicant and that he/she is able to physically, psychologically, and spiritually handle all the regulations and schedule of the Summer College Training, as well as contribute positively to the atmosphere. Please be sure to include the information requested on the form so that if necessary we can contact you regarding the applicants from your locality.

We request that you announce and encourage the college students and high school seniors to attend the 2011 Summer College Training. Your specific petitions for these three training sessions are greatly appreciated. May the Lord continue to raise up generations of young people for His will and purpose in this age! Amen.

The Testimony of A Priest

Family Background
As a small boy I grew up in an unbelieving family. Neither my parents nor my uncles, aunts or cousins were believers in God. Probably among them there was a formal belief in God’s existence, but there was no dynamic relationship with God. In my family going to church on Sunday was unknown, as were also reading the Bible and praying.

A Crisis
However, when I was about ten years old I got into trouble by stealing a bicycle chain from my neighbors barn. I needed to replace the broken chain on my bicycle so I took the necessary tools and a flashlight to remove the chain from my neighbor’s bicycle one night after dark. The next day the neighbor traced my steps across the field to my house and told my father that he believed I had taken his bicycle chain. That afternoon when I came home from school my father asked me if the neighbor was right and I confessed that it was so. My father was just getting ready to go to work but before he left he told me to take the chain back.

A Boy’s Cry and God’s Answer
That was a very difficult thing for me to do. After wandering around for a while I went to the barn {for my family lived on a small farm} and knelt down in the hay to pray. This was a totally spontaneous act brought about by the heavy feeling in my heart and was not something I knew how to do. Although this occurred over sixty years ago, I still clearly remember what I said that afternoon. I said, “Oh God! If there is a God, help me now.” I had no more than uttered those words and was still kneeling in the hay when I heard my mother calling my name – “Gene! Gene!” I jumped up and ran outside to see what she wanted. She said, “Your dad just called and said you don’t need to take the chain back. He’ll go with you tomorrow.” This word from my mother seemed so remarkable and even miraculous and sudden following my prayer that I became a believer in God on the spot. I was so thankful that God had heard and answered my prayer.

A Young Teacher And an Old Pastor
A short time later my fifth grade teacher, who was a believer in Jesus and just out of college and beginning her teaching career took an interest in me and invited me to attend a little neighborhood community Methodist church. The old pastor, who also loved the Lord, likewise took an interest in me and it was through these two that I received my early shepherding and feeding as a young Christian. It was also in that environment that I developed a strong desire to serve God for the rest of my life. So from that early beginning I set my sights on the goal to complete my education and become a minister of Christ.

Of course, my only understanding of “serving God” was conditioned by what I saw around me so I decided to get the necessary education to become a Methodist minister and that is what I did. I finished high school and college and attended graduate school for three years to get my masters degree in divinity and was eventually ordained to the ministry of the Methodist church.

But by the time I was ordained to the Methodist ministry I was not at all happy with that church and I left the Methodist church to become a Priest in the Episcopal Church. As a priest I held a Bible study every Tuesday morning in the Episcopal Church to which a good number of Christians from different denominations came.

A Mysterious Lady With A Little Book
One Tuesday morning after the meeting had begun, I noticed a woman unfamiliar to me, walk into the back of the room and sit down. I was wondering to myself who this woman was. After the meeting was over she lingered behind and we met. She was traveling by bus from New York and we were in Washington State. While she was waiting for a bus connection, someone told her about the Bible Study and so she decided to spend her time there. As she opened her purse and pulled out a little booklet, she said, “After listening to you I think you might appreciate this”, and she handed me the booklet. I put the booklet in my pocket and bade her goodbye.

Later in the day while at home I sat down to relax and pulled the booklet out. This booklet had a very interesting name and its author also had a very interesting name. The name of the author was Watchman Nee and the name of the booklet was Ministry to the House or to the Lord. I opened that booklet and read it with great interest. The subject matter was on Ezekiel, chapter 44. I felt as I read that little booklet that I was in touch with a kind of spiritual supply that was feeding me inwardly in a way I had never before experienced. I was very much attracted by this writing and began to look for more writings by this man, Watchman Nee. Although there was not much in print by him at that time {1963} I did find a few of his books in English.

Introduced to Witness Lee by Watchman Nee
As I kept pursuing along the spiritual pathway set before me by this brother’s writings I also came into contact with one of his coworkers by the name of Witness Lee. Witness Lee had been living and ministering in Los Angeles since 1962. Six years later, in November 1968, my wife and I made the trip from Washington State to Los Angeles to visit the church in Los Angeles and to meet Witness Lee. A short time later, in January, 1969 we packed up our belongings and moved to Los Angeles to be with the church there and to be under the ministry of Witness Lee.

The Best Wine Saved till Last
Next to my physical birth and my salvation experience as a 10 year old boy, being brought to the local church and under the ministry of Witness Lee were the greatest events of my life. It is not an exaggeration to say that without being brought to the church and to the ministry of the age, dispensed by these two brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, the first two events would have had much less significance.

Through the years, since 1969 my wife, Joyce and I have had opportunities to serve the Lord’s interest in many ways. Perhaps the greatest privilege which has been ours was to be commissioned by Witness Lee in September, 1991 to go with others to the Former Soviet Union to serve the Russian people with God’s economy dispensed through the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. We returned to the United States in February, 2000 and at present are enjoying the local church life in San Gabriel, California.

Gene Ford

A Personal Experience of a Medical Doctor

As a medical doctor, I often witness many experiences in the personal lives of my patients. But if you were to ask me what was the most remarkable experience in my own life, I would reply with full assurance that it was the day I entered into a personal, subjective experience of God. Please allow me to share my experience with you.

Family Background
I was born in mainland China and was brought up in Taiwan. My family members never had any contact with Christianity. All we knew were the words of Confucius and the worship of our ancestors. My parents considered Christianity as a kind of foreign cultural invasion and opposed it. They would not even allow me to participate in any kind of Christian activity.

As a young boy I loved the simple and beautiful things of nature. I loved to roam through hills and woods, brooks and springs. I could spend the whole day watching the sunrise, the sunset, the moon at night, and all kinds of animals and plants.

A Search for God
Through the deep appreciation of the beauty of nature- I began to consider the existence of a Creator. In my young heart I called Him the “Center of the Universe,” but alas, to me He was just the “Unknown God.” A kind of desire started to develop in me to know God in an intimate and personal way. Many questions puzzled me; but I knew intuitively that all these questions would be answered if I could only know God for myself.

I could not stop asking myself: What is the real meaning of life? Where will the journey of life eventually lead me? How do I know whether the destination of this journey coincides with my own life-goal?” To me life was too serious to be considered lightly. I had only one life to live, and I wanted to make the most of it. As time passed by, I became quite anxious to find the answer to these questions lest I should spend all my life in vain! At the age of fifteen I found myself crying out from the deepest part of my heart, “God, where are you? Let me find you! If you reveal Yourself to me, I will follow you all my life.!”

From then on I spent much time reading philosophy. However, the more I studied, the more I was confused. Doubts and bewilderments continued to haunt me. What was hindering me from knowing God?

My First Christian Meeting
In my freshman year at college, I was invited to my first Christian meeting. Those I met impressed me deeply with the joy and peace of knowing God. They really had something that I had never seen in anyone else. Seeing that I was eager to know God, one of them helped me concerning two points.

My Sins
First, he pointed out that it was my sins that separated me from God {1 John 1:7-9}. My sins defiled and blinded me, making any relationship with God impossible. The only way to remove this barrier was to apply the blood of Jesus.

My Spirit
Second, he showed me that God in His nature is Spirit {John 4:24}, and that He could only be received and enjoyed by my human spirit. While I was trying desperately to reach God through study and meditation, my futile efforts indicated that I was simply using the wrong organ. The appropriate organ is the human spirit. Although the function of my human spirit was deadened because of sins, by applying the cleansing of the blood of Jesus, my human spirit could be enlivened and restored to its original function of contacting and receiving God. This was the best news that I had ever heard.

An Experiment
I was determined to try an experiment –to put what my new friend had said to the test. I opened my heart to Jesus, applied His precious blood and received Him into me. After praying in this way, my heart was filled with peace and joy unspeakable. I knew Jesus Christ had come into me. The experiment worked.

A Changed Life
Many years have passed by since I first received the Lord. He is so real and exciting. My life has been filled with many wonderful experiences of Him. Let me just point out three such experiences.

1. Concerning Stealing
First, before I received the Lord, I had stolen quite a number of books to add to my own collection. But after I met the Lord, He touched my conscience concerning those books and asked me to deal with them. Eventually, I felt I had to send a letter of apology to the bookstore and repay them with interest. After I did this, my inner peace became so real.

2. Concerning Ancestor Worship
Second, after I received the Lord, the worship of family ancestors became a problem. Since the Lord was living within me, I no longer had any peace to worship the images of my ancestors. At that time it was a Chinese custom to have such worship at holidays and festivals. But because I would not participate in such worship, I was literally beaten up and cast out from my family. But the enjoyment of Christ was with my spirit. I had not even a trace of bitterness toward my family, but rather was moved with compassion to pray for them day and night. Eventually they realized my unchanging love toward them. Now not only are the misunderstandings over, but some other members of my family have received the Lord as I did.

3. On My Job
Third, as a practicing physician, I participate daily in one of the most intensive aspects of medicine – anesthesiology. I work mostly in the operating room and in the intensive care unit. Since the condition of my patients may easily deteriorate in a very short period of time, there is the need for absolute concentration and the ability to respond quickly. This may seem difficult, and it is; but many times I experience the strengthening and refreshing of the Lord. I often come home singing and feeling refreshed because of my enjoyment of God. He is the One to Whom I can always turn.

Available to All
Friends, this is not a theory or a doctrine. You personally may have this same experience. It is my sincere prayer and hope that this little testimony can be of some help to you to enter into the intimate and personal experience of the Lord Jesus.
John Chang M.D.