God Has a Will and a Purpose

February 04 2019

God Has a Will and a Purpose

We often think of the will of God in terms of His direction for our personal lives, things like what job we should take, where we should live, and who we should marry. But the Bible shows us that God has a will related to something He wants for Himself. The words in Revelation 4:11 bring this fact home to us:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for You have created all things, and because of Your will they were, and were created.”

This verse doesn’t simply tell us God created all things; it tells us why God created everything. He created all things because of His will. Surely His will here is for more than the direction of our individual lives.


Note 2 in the New Testament Recovery Version on will says this:

“God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure. He created all things for His will that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose. This book [Revelation], which unveils God’s universal administration, shows us the purpose of God. Hence, in the twenty-four elders’ praise to God concerning His creation, His creation is related to His will.

Cross-reference “d” on will directs us to Ephesians 1:11, which says,

“In whom also we were designated as an inheritance, having been predestinated according to the purpose of the One who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”

God has a purpose He wants to fulfill. So He not only created all things for His will but also works all things according to the counsel of His will. He doesn’t do things aimlessly or without intention. Everything He does is according to the counsel of His will. Even God’s predestinating of us is according to His purpose.

From these two verses alone we can see that God has something in His heart He wants to accomplish for Himself, and that it includes us. What is that purpose? What is God’s will?

To learn more about God’s will, read our post What Does God Want?

Order a free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version study Bible here to explore more cross-references and notes on God’s will.

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An Age-Old Question: Who is Jesus?

January 21 2019

An Age-Old Question: Who is Jesus?

We’d like to share a new gospel tract about the most wonderful person in the universe: Jesus Christ. He is both the true God and a real man. The eternal God became a lowly man named Jesus in order to save us and give us His life. Now, He wants to be everything to us. Click here to view this gospel tract on our website and share it with anyone who would like to know Jesus in a personal way.

Who is Jesus? People have pondered this question for two thousand years.

“Jesus was the founder of a religion.” “Jesus was a great philosopher.” “Jesus was a social reformer.” “Jesus is a myth.” Who is Jesus, really?

Jesus is more than a historical figure. To know who Jesus is, we first need to know why we exist. The Bible says God created us in His image so He could enter into us and be joined to us. By sharing His divine life with us, God would be everything to us, and we would express God. But before this could happen, Satan, God’s enemy, deceived man and caused him to doubt God. Mankind fell into sin and was separated from God.

God didn’t give up. Instead, the eternal God became a lowly man, Jesus. Jesus is the most wonderful person in the universe: He is the true God who became a real man, a God-man.

During the thirty-three years Jesus lived on earth, He was perfect in word and deed. He was compassionate and tender, yet fearlessly bold and frank. Jesus spoke words with authority no one had ever spoken before—words like “I am the light of the world” and “I am the way and the reality and the life.” He cared for the rich, poor, strong, weak, young, old, educated, uneducated, moral, and immoral. Jesus reached every kind of person with His love. Like a shepherd seeking his lost sheep, Jesus was God Himself seeking His lost mankind.

Loving us to the uttermost, Jesus suffered death on the cross, bearing the judgment of sin for the whole world. He died in our place to save us, however sinful and vile we may be, from the final judgment of sin—eternal death. Jesus did this for each of us.

After dying for us, Jesus rose from the dead! Only Jesus could say, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He conquered death, and in resurrection, Jesus Christ became a life-giving Spirit. Like the air we breathe, the Spirit is everywhere, ready to enter and give eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Who is Jesus? Jesus is the very God who created you and became a man to bring you back to Himself. Jesus is the Redeemer and Savior who died for you so you could be forgiven of your sins and saved from eternal judgment. Jesus is now the Spirit who longs to give His life to you, live in you, and be everything to you. He’s waiting for you to receive Him. He wants to fill you with Himself and be the joy and meaning of your life.

You can know Jesus personally. If you turn to Him, believe in Him, and call upon His name, you will be saved. Accept Him as your Savior today by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I turn my heart to You. You are the true God. I believe in You. Thank You for loving me and dying for me. Forgive me of my sins. I accept You as my Savior. Lord Jesus, I open my heart to receive You. Come live in me and be everything to me. Amen.”

You can view and share all of our gospel posts here.

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7 Ways to Have a New Beginning with the Lord

January 07 2019

7 Ways to Have a New Beginning with the Lord

As Christians, we desire a closer relationship with God. Whatever our experience was last year, thank the Lord, we can freshly give ourselves to daily pursue Christ this year. At the beginning of this new year, we thought we’d share seven ways for us to have a new beginning with the Lord.

The points below include inspiring and motivating quotes from well-known Bible teachers, preachers, Christian workers, and authors.

1. Love the Lord Jesus

“If you would learn to appreciate Christ more, read this book [the Bible], frequently and prayerfully.”—H.A. Ironside

To have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, it’s essential that we love Him. And our love and appreciation for Him issues from our knowing Him and what He’s done for us. The more we know Him by reading His Word, the more we love Him. We can start this new year by asking the Lord to renew our love for Him and to give us a deep longing for Him in His Word so that we wouldn’t be satisfied until we find Him, see Him, and touch Him in His Word. This is a prayer the Lord will gladly answer.

2. Spend time with Him

“I never have seen a man or woman who spent fifteen or twenty minutes alone with God every day that didn’t have the dew all the while. I have never known one to backslide, either.”—D.L. Moody

We simply need to spend time with the One we love. There is no substitute for quality time spent alone with Him, free from distractions, especially early in the morning. By spending time with Him first, before we get involved with the affairs of our day, we’ll experience Him as the refreshing dew in our fellowship with Him. It’s only by taking time to be with Him that we’ll know Christ, grow in our relationship with Him, and grow in His life.

3. Feed on Him in the Word

“The ‘good food’ is…the food of the Word of God, for as food builds up the tissues of the body, repairs waste, and preserves us in health, so the Word of God is the complete food of the soul.”—W.H. Griffith Thomas

The Bible is our spiritual food. In Jeremiah 15:16 the prophet said, “Your words were found and I ate them, and Your word became to me the gladness and joy of my heart.” We must daily come to the Word hungry to taste and enjoy God, to eat and drink Him, and to be nourished and satisfied by Him. Feeding on His Word in this way imparts His life into us. If we don’t have an appetite for God in the Word, we can simply ask Him to give us one.

4. Come to Christ in the Word

“Points of truth however interesting, scriptural knowledge however profound and extensive, Biblical criticism however accurate and valuable, may all leave the heart barren and the affections cold. We want to find Christ in the Word; and, having found Him, to feed on Him by faith.”—C.H. Mackintosh

When we come to the Bible merely for knowledge or guidance, it’s very possible to miss the Lord. The Lord Jesus said in John 5:39-40, “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” When we come to the Bible, we must come to contact the Lord Himself and turn our heart back to Him. We should not separate the Word from Christ, but come to find the Lord in His Word.

As we find the Lord in the Word, we can talk to Him about what we’re reading. We can also confess our sins to Him as His light in the Word shines on us. We can sing to Him, praise Him, and worship Him with what we find in the Word. Our time reading the Bible should be a time of fellowship with the Lord.

5. Linger on small portions

“For all reading should be joined with meditation and prayer. Read a little, pray and meditate much.”—John Wesley

Often we try to read too much at one time, or we read His Word too quickly. This isn’t the healthiest way to take in the Word, just as eating a huge meal too quickly isn’t so healthy for us physically. As with physical eating, it’s much better spiritually to take a small portion, chew it, and even digest it by prayer. When we chew on the Word in this way, it nourishes us and “sticks to our ribs” throughout the day.

6. Read the Bible with prayer

“The vital connection between the word and prayer is one of the simplest and earliest lessons of the Christian life.”—Andrew Murray

Our time with the Lord in His Word should be filled with conversational praying and the audible reading of the Scriptures. As we read, we can pray over the Word, even using it as our prayer. In this way, speaking the Scripture becomes our prayer to God and reading it becomes our listening to Him.

7. Focus on contacting Him, not on carrying out a duty

“The first thing to be concerned about was not how much I might serve the Lord, or how I might glorify the Lord: but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished.”—George Mueller

Rather than being a cold routine or duty, our time with the Lord in His Word is a time to delight ourselves in the Lord. This time should make our hearts happy in Him and come out of our single and pure desire for God Himself. Instead of seeking for biblical knowledge or answers to prayer, in this time we must learn to linger in His presence to enjoy Him in an intimate way.

This year, may we all have a new beginning with the Lord and continue to develop our personal relationship with Him by spending time with Him. May we learn how to nourish ourselves in His Word ever more deeply and renew and enrich our daily, personal times of fellowship with Him.

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